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Potomac State College

Soft Skills for the Workplace (AFCS 491, BTEC 491, CIS 491, CJ 491)

Keep working to make yourself indispensable!
(Keep in mind, no one's indispensable.)

Be on time - Get up, get dressed, and get to work on time every day. No excuses!

Be responsive - Return calls and emails promptly. Follow directions ALWAYS! If you have trouble juggling multiple priorities, ask your boss what to do first.

Be honest - if you forget how to do something or make a mistake, tell your supervisor and let them know how you will make it right, or ask for directions.

Be positive - Complete any task, no matter how small or smelly, with a cheerful attitude.

Be dressed appropriately - In an office environment, you can't go wrong with khakis and a collared shirt. If you don't know what to wear, ASK! What's appropriate for one job may not be allowed at another. (Possible trouble areas: flip flops, ball caps, leggings, and hanging jewelry)

Be friendly - but don't overshare or get too personal! Had a fight with your boyfriend? Is your cousin back on drugs? Did you suffer from bulimia as a teenager? These are NOT appropriate workplace conversations and will make your co-workers uncomfortable.

Be discreet - especially with social media posts. Don't trash-talk your boss, your co-workers, or the company to anyone or everyone.

Be a problem-solver!