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Potomac State College

ENGR 101 - Research Projects: Home


Welcome to the research guide for ENGR 101 students for Fall 2023! We have organized together helpful resources from the open web and the library's holdings to make it easier for you to find what you need!

Citation Help

O'Reilly Online Learning Platform

**Users will need to enter their university email and no password on the new platform. They will then confirm their email and be routed to the WVU SSO login. If you need help, please contact the library.

General Resources

Library eBooks

Once you click on the link to the eBook, select 'View eBook'. If prompted to logon, select 'Employees/Students' and use your WVU SSO logon. If you have trouble, please contact the library for assistance!

Book an Appointment with a Librarian

Want to schedule 1:1 help in person or virtually?

Click these links to book an appointment with a PSC librarian:

Nick Gardner | Emily Zumbrun

Staff Librarian

Profile Photo
Nicholas Gardner
Potomac State College
WVU Keyser Campus
103 Fort Avenue
Keyser, WV 26726